
The purpose of Studio policies is to provide clarity for all participants about what they can expect and what is expected of them, not to create a rigid set of do's and don'ts. These guidelines are intended to ensure that all members of the Studio are part of making this a positive learning and growing experience.

In Person or Online Lessons 

One silver lining of our last several years of pandemic challenges has been an increase in our comfort level with technology and our ability to meet virtually. We will always try to meet in person as often as possible, but when weather or other circumstances do not allow for an in-person lesson, we always have the option of using platforms such as Zoom, Skype, FaceTime to meet. Please ensure that the space you have available is comfortable, quiet and at least reasonably well-lit to ensure the best possible experience.

Life Happens… Cancelled and Missed Lessons:

Ideally, our scheduled lessons are consistent to maximize progress and motivation. I understand, however, that “Life” happens and that occasional lessons must be missed. As such, I have created space to allow for rescheduled lessons. There will be slots available in the calendar function and you will be able to find and book these directly.

Makeup lessons: A maximum of two makeup lessons are permitted per year, regardless of reason for cancellation. Cancellations must occur at least the morning of the lesson being cancelled and should be made on the studio website through your student portal or if necessary, by text message (289 259 9980).

Inclement Weather: Now that we are all much more comfortable with virtual lessons, unfavourable weather conditions will be accommodated with online lessons rather than in-person sessions.

Tuition schedules

Per the Fee Schedule tab, monthly payments for annual plans are due prior to the first lesson of the month. For packages, payment is due prior to the first lesson of the package. Invoices will be sent to you - please ensure they are paid according to the due dates listed. Payments can be made by e-transfer to charlene@charlenepauls.com or by cheque. Please note that failure to respect the payment schedule may result in loss of lessons. Balances and lesson credits expire after six months of inactivity unless specific prior arrangements have been made.

Please note that tuition includes lessons, participation in recitals and master classes, preparation for exams, auditions and competitions and other Studio events. Exam/competition/music/accompanist costs are not included. It should also be noted that these fees also cover a range of Studio expenses including lesson and repertoire preparation, professional development and membership/conference fees, technology and other infrastructure, and the more mundane things like bookkeeping. It has been estimated that each hour of teaching has an hour and a half of other associated time!

At the Studio

For in-person lessons, you are encouraged to come in the front door - no need to knock! - and wait until the previous lesson is over. I work very hard to ensure lessons begin and end on time so please try to be prompt. Please also remember to bring a bottle of water - singing can be thirsty business. Shoes and boots can be left by the front door. The washroom is right/left/left. Parental participation will be discussed on a student-by-student basis and remains at my discretion - I've been teaching for thirty years so please trust that I know and work for the best for each student.

Please visit my home website at
